Fri. 12 Mar. 2021
الذيد, AE

Event description

Sharjah Sports Council, in cooperation with Endurance Sports Services, is presenting to you as part of its community races the Tal Al Zafaran Run in the city of Al Dhaid in the Emirate of Sharjah. The area of ​​Tal Al Zafaran is one of the areas of the city of Al Dhaid, which is characterized by its golden sand dunes.

We offer you a unique running experience through the sands of the city of Al Dhaid, where the start will be from Tal Al Zafaran Park, and the path consists of a group of sand dunes that require you to cross them amid camels, Ghaf trees and other desert shrubs, by choosing one of the race distances, whether three kilometers or six kilometers. The starting and ending point will be in one location.

Are you ready to take on this challenge? If you thought the distances were short then you are wrong in your calculations! Register now and don't miss this unique opportunity by participating in the first desert running race in Al Dhaid.

يقدم لكم مجلس الشارقة الرياضي بالتعاون مع القدرة للخدمات الرياضية ضمن سلسلة سباقاته المجتمعية سباق تل الزعفران للجري بمدينة الذيد التابعة لإمارة الشارقة. تعد منقطة تل الزعفران أحد المناطق التابعة لمدينة الذيد والتي تتميز بكثبانها الرملية الناعمة.

نقدم لكم تجربة جري مميزة عبر رمال مدينة الذيد، حيث ستكون الانطلاقة من حديقة تل الزعفران بمدينة الذيد ويتكون المسار من مجموعة من الكثبان الرملية التي تتطلب منكم تجاوزها وسط الجمال وأشجار الغاف وغيرها من الشجيرات الصحراوية، وذلك باختياركم أحد مسافات السباق سواء ثلاث كيلومترات أو ستة كيلومرات. حيث ستكون نقطة البداية والنهاية في موقع واحد.

هل أنت جاهز لخوض هذا التحدي؟ إذا كنت تعتقد أن المسافات قصيرة فأنت مخطئ في حساباتك! سجل الآن ولا تفوت هذه الفرصة الفريدة من خلال المشاركة في أول سباق جري صحراوي في مدينة الذيد.

Location #

Tal Al Zafaran Park - Al Dhaid
United Arab Emirates

Races #

6km Race
Fri. 12 Mar. 2021
Athletics | Running Trail
6 km
3km Race
Fri. 12 Mar. 2021
Athletics | Running Trail
3 km
Virtual Run (UAE Medal delivery)
Fri. 12 Mar. 2021
Athletics | Running Trail
6 km
Virtual Run (Medal delivery GCC)
Fri. 12 Mar. 2021
Athletics | Running Trail
6 km
Virtual Run (Medal delivery Int'l)
Fri. 12 Mar. 2021
Athletics | Running Trail
6 km

Registration #

Registration open
Tue. 23 Feb. 2021
Late fees apply from
Tue. 9 Mar. 2021
Registration close
Thu. 11 Mar. 2021 12:30 or sooner if the event is fully-booked.
Individual athletes
Timing chips and bibs, online results and e-certificates, finisher medals & hydration.
Refund policy
Athletes have the option to protect fees for unforeseen and outside of control cancellations.

Practical info #

Race pack collection
Start from 6:30 in Tal Al Zafaran Park, Location map:

Course / track / circuit #

Support stations
Water stations available along the route
This is a desert run in sand and dunes, you can run with shoes or without! but on your own responsibility.
Spectators area(s)

Facilities & services #

Registered Nurse and / or Emergency Medical services present.
Changing rooms
6:30 بدء توزيع الأرقام
7:30 بدء انطلاقات 6 كيلومتر
7:40 بدء انطلاقات 3 كيلومتر
9:00 بدء مراسم التتويج
9:30 نهاية السباق

6:30 Bib number collection
7:30 6km race start
7:40 3km race start
9:00 Awards ceremony
9:30 Cut-off time

Timing & certification #

Automated timing
For the physical race only, virtual race self timing
Electronic certificates
For the physical race only
Finisher & Finalists medals
*Finalists medal for physical race only, **finisher medals for everyone


6km Race #

  • Athletics | Running Trail 6 km
Start date
Fri. 12 Mar. 2021
Start time
Start location
Tal Al Zafaran Park - Al Dhaid, الذيد (AE)
Finish location
Tal Al Zafaran Park - Al Dhaid, الذيد (AE)
Age categories
/ 14-16
/ 17-19
/ 20-29
/ 30-39
/ 40-49
/ 50-99

3km Race #

  • Athletics | Running Trail 3 km
Start date
Fri. 12 Mar. 2021
Start time
Start location
Tal Al Zafaran Park - Al Dhaid, الذيد (AE)
Finish location
Tal Al Zafaran Park - Al Dhaid, الذيد (AE)
Age categories
/ 8-12
/ 13-16
/ 17-19
/ 20-29
/ 30-39
/ 40-49
/ 50-99

Virtual Run (UAE Medal delivery) #

  • Athletics | Running Trail 6 km
Start date
Fri. 12 Mar. 2021
Start time
Age categories
/ 0-99
Team categories
/ 0-99
Where: This is a Virtual Race. Complete 6km or 3km anytime, anywhere.
Distance: 6km or 3km
Submission : Submit your results by send screen shot from any tracking programs on the link that you will receive on the race day by email. You have one week to run and upload your result.
Medals delivery: Once results are verified you will receive an email and your medal will be delivered within two weeks.

- فئة افتراضية للمشاركة عن بعد وتوصيل الميدالية إلى المنزل

Virtual Run (Medal delivery GCC) #

  • Athletics | Running Trail 6 km
Start date
Fri. 12 Mar. 2021
Start time
Start location
Tal Al Zafaran Park - Al Dhaid, الذيد (AE)
Finish location
Tal Al Zafaran Park - Al Dhaid, الذيد (AE)
Age categories
/ 0-99
Where: This is a Virtual Race. Complete 6km or 3km anytime, anywhere.
Distance: 6km or 3km
Submission : Submit your results by send screen shot from any tracking programs on the link that you will receive on the race day by email. You have one week to run and upload your result.
Medals delivery: Once results are verified you will receive an email and your medal will be delivered within two weeks.

Extra custom charges may apply for deliveries outside the UAE

- فئة افتراضية للمشاركة عن بعد وتوصيل الميدالية إلى المنزل

Virtual Run (Medal delivery Int'l) #

  • Athletics | Running Trail 6 km
Start date
Fri. 12 Mar. 2021
Start time
Start location
Tal Al Zafaran Park - Al Dhaid, الذيد (AE)
Finish location
Tal Al Zafaran Park - Al Dhaid, الذيد (AE)
Age categories
/ 0-99
Where: This is a Virtual Race. Complete 6km or 3km anytime, anywhere.
Distance: 6km or 3km
Submission : Submit your results by send screen shot from any tracking programs on the link that you will receive on the race day by email. You have one week to run and upload your result.
Medals delivery: Once results are verified you will receive an email and your medal will be delivered within two weeks.

Extra custom charges may apply for deliveries outside the UAE

- فئة افتراضية للمشاركة عن بعد وتوصيل الميدالية إلى المنزل

Map & accomodation


Event contact
Mohamed Alkamali