Sun. 30 Oct. 2022
دبي, AE
Queries on preliminary results are welcome and will be reviewed up to 48 hours after the event (Tuesday 1st November, 12 PM). Please email your queries to, if available kindly include your sports watch/device screen-shot (Strava, Garmin, etc.), as this will expedite cross-referencing with our timing database. Once the results are published as "Final", no further change requests will be accepted.

Your age category in the Spinneys Dubai92 Cycle Challenge, all associated Build-Up Rides and the Aster Pharmacy BIG 5 are set in line with the UCI Gran Fondo qualifying age eligibility which is defined by the rider’s age on December 31st of the year of the qualifier event (19 February 2023), in this case, 31 December 2023.