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Frequently Asked Questions
Athlete's profile
Once you are a registered member of Hopasports, you can create an athlete's profile via your Hopasports account. Then you can register for a race or event. This is free and takes only a few minutes.
Hopasports is an online sports management tool designed to let sportsmen and women from all over the world, participate in and manage events, and also organisers who may be individuals or clubs organising certain sports events. Think of it as a booking engine: like a site that shows you movies and cinemas and allows you to book movie tickets of your choice. That's what we do for sports activities! (Hopasports is a business name of the following legal entities: Hopatec Sports Services BV, (License number KvK 70367663), a company incorporated in The Netherlands. And, Hopatec Sports Services LLC, (License number DED 683845), a company incorporated in the United Arab Emirates. For any additional details, kindly refer to our Terms of Service.
We accept payment through VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, iDEAL, Bancontact, SOFORT, Apple Pay, and debit cards.
For your online payments, we use our Payment Card Industry (PCI) certified partner Checkout.com.
No problem! You can access receipts for your purchases on your athlete's profile.
The service fee, also known as a booking fee, is charged for registering for an event on Hopasports. It is an administrative charge that helps to cover the costs associated with processing and confirming the booking, such as credit card processing fees or staffing costs. The service fee is typically calculated as a percentage of the total cost of the booking.
We respect your privacy and won't use any of your details without your permission. We give you the choice to tell us not to use your personal data for marketing purposes. Please read our Privacy Policy for further details.
We're sorry to hear that you don't want to be a Hopasports member anymore. We hope you change your mind. If not, please go to the following link and request to deactivate your account. Thank you for being with us.
Most sports events have age category races. When you register for an event, we will be able to assign you correctly to the race matching your age.
Most sports events have gender category races. When you register for an event, we will be able to assign you correctly to the race matching your gender.
If you have registered for a race or event, the event organiser might need to contact you on short notice in case of unexpected last minute updates or changes.
If you participate in a race or event, and an incident happens, the event organiser will be able to reach out to your nominated ICE contact person.
We respect all cultures and languages. Most sports events integrate data within affiliated sports events software applications & systems. Non-Latin alphabet characters are not always interpreted correctly. It is paramount that the data is being dealt with in an accurate and safe manner.
Race / event packs
Race packs are either couriered to you directly, can be collected prior to the event or in some cases on the day of the event. Specific instructions for each event are displayed in the event details page.
Race / event results
After the event, your results will be featured in your personal Athlete's profile.
Registration for an event
When registering for an event you can either create an athlete profile, allowing ease of registration for a single, or any future event, or quick register without an athlete profile.
Athletes registered for an event can transfer their registration to a fellow athlete via invitation.
Fellow invitee athletes can accept invitations until event registration closing date, or sooner if the event is fully booked, or at discretion of the event organiser. Unconfirmed invitations will automatically revert back to the inviter athlete.
Transfer registrations are on a 'like-for-like' event basis; applicable only to the same event as the inviter athlete registered for.
The invitation is valued at the original purchase fee, including promo-codes & discounts, excluding refundable service fees. Incremental and additional services will be charged as per actuals. There is no credit or refund towards unused original purchase fees.
Inviter athletes can always cancel an unconfirmed invitation.