Event description

مصفوت هي جوهرة عجمان الخفية الخاصة جدًا والمعروفة بين السكان المحليين لارتفاعها مقارنة بالمدن المحيطة والجبال الصخرية الشهيرة والمناظر الخلابة المناسبة للنزهات والتجمعات العائلية.

تعتبر مصفوت الهادئة مكانًا مثاليًا لممارسي رياضة المشي لمسافات طويلة في الجبال وعشاق الهواء الطلق على حدٍ سواء. يسهل موقعها الجغرافي الاستراتيجي الوصول إليها من طرق مختلفة مثل شارع الوطن أو طريق الشارقة - كلباء.

لدى حكومة عجمان خطط مستقبلية مذهلة لتطوير البنية التحتية لمصفوت، تحت المسمى الرسمي "رؤية مصفوت 2030". سجل الآن واغتنم الفرصة للمشاركة في النسخة الثانية من هذا السباق الفريد!

Masfout is Ajman’s very own hidden gem known among the locals for its higher altitude compared to surrounding cities and iconic rocky mountains yielding renown high-quality marble and picturesque scenery suitable for picnics and family gatherings.

Masfout’s calm wilderness is considered an ideal setting for mountain hikers and outdoor enthusiasts alike. Its strategic geographical location makes it easily accessible from various routes such as Al Watan road or Sharjah - Kalba road.

The Government of Ajman has incredible future plans to develop Masfout’s infrastructure, officially recognized as the Masfout 2030 vision. Register now and seize the opportunity to partake in Masfout’s Second Edition official trail run!

Location #

Masfout museum
United Arab Emirates

Race #

Masfout Trail Run 8km
Sun. 13 Mar. 2022
Athletics | Running Trail
8 km

Registration #

Registration open
Tue. 18 Jan. 2022
Late fees apply from
Thu. 10 Mar. 2022
Registration close
Sat. 12 Mar. 2022 15:30 or sooner if the event is fully-booked.
Individual athletes
Finisher & Finalists Medals. Photo Service. Refreshments. Automated Timing. Electronic Certificate.
Refund policy
Athletes have the option to protect fees for unforeseen and outside of control cancellations.
Online payments related to canceled and rescheduled events; e.g. registrations, donations, and purchases are outlined and governed by the Terms of Service and Returns & Refunds policies.

These payments are non-refundable and at the discretion of the event organizer.

The current extraordinary circumstances are beyond the control of athletes and organizers. Therefore this event is subject to refunds as follows:
- For refunds related to canceled events, we will contact you and issue a refund automatically.
- For refunds related to rescheduled events, we will contact you with the new date and time ASAP. In case you can't make the event, refunds will be done upon request.
- Store purchases are excluded from refunds.
- All refunds are subject to a 15% administration fee.

Practical info #

Race pack collection
On race day at the venue from 5:30AM - 6:30AM.

Course / track / circuit #

Support stations
Refreshment and support stations available along the route

Facilities & services #

Registered Nurse and / or Emergency Medical services present.
Changing rooms
برنامج الحدث:
5:09 أذان الفجر
5:30 بدء توزيع الأرقام
6:27 شروق الشمس
6:45 انطلاقة السباق
8:15 مراسم التتويج
8:45 نهاية السباق

Race day program
5:09 Al Fajer Prayer
5:30 Race check-in and bib collection
6:27 Sunrise
6:45 Race start
8:15 Awards ceremony
8:45 Cut-off time

Timing & certification #

Automated timing
MyLaps bibTag by Endurance
Electronic certificates
Finisher & Finalists medals


Masfout Trail Run 8km #

  • Athletics | Running Trail 8 km
Start date
Sun. 13 Mar. 2022
Start time
Start location
Masfout museum, Masfut (AE)
Finish location
Masfout museum, Masfut (AE)
Age categories
/ 16-18
/ 19-29
/ 30-39
/ 40-49
/ 50-99

Map & accomodation

